Divorce Realtors

From Separation to Sold: How Divorce Realtors Simplify Property Sales

Real Estate Stats | September 8, 2023 | written by Corbin Chivers

Divorce can be an emotionally charged and challenging experience, and one of the most significant assets often caught in its crosshairs is the family home. When couples decide to part ways, the process of selling their shared property can add an extra layer of complexity to an already stressful situation. However, there’s a specialized group…

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January 2023 Market Stats

Real Estate Stats | January 7, 2023 | written by Corbin Chivers

  Hey Everybody! Hope everyone is having a great start to the year! We’ve been off to a great start as a team and finding success for our clients…but unfortunately, the overall market stats saw another tough month!!!  (I promise I’ll make you smile at the end lol!) I’ll start off with one of the biggest announcements…

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December 2022 Market Stats

Real Estate Stats | December 7, 2022 | written by Corbin Chivers

  Hey everyone! I hope you had a fantastic holiday season filled with lots of joy, fun, and laughter. We spent the time with our family and really enjoyed some peace and quiet! Now, onto the not-so-fun stuff. The stats for December are in and they’re pretty much more of the same. Sales Volume Sales…

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November 2022 Market Stats

Real Estate Stats | November 7, 2022 | written by Corbin Chivers

  HEY Everyone ! Hope everyone had a great November!  We spent the first half of the month eating Halloween candy and now we’re already on to Christmas shopping LOL! Where does the time go?! Anyway, I wanted to get this market update out early on this month before the Holiday Season! So for those of…

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October 2022 Market Stats

Real Estate Stats | October 7, 2022 | written by Corbin Chivers

  Hey Everybody ! Hope everyone had a great October! I hope nobody ate too much Halloween candy (Unlike someone ) LOL! Anyway, I wanted to get right to the October market stats you opened this email for! Overall in October we unfortunately saw very much the same sort of market as September with prices…

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September 2022 Market Stats

Real Estate Stats | October 7, 2022 | written by Corbin Chivers

Hey Everyone ! Hope you’re all doing great and enjoying this late summer we’ve been having ! I know for a lot of you it’s been that first week of school and you’re EXHAUSTED  (lol  I know we are with our little guy!!!)  But hopefully, things have settled down for a lot of you and you’re enjoying a more normal schedule…

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August 2022 Real Estate Stats

Real Estate Stats | September 8, 2022 | written by Corbin Chivers

Hey Everybody ! Hope everyone is having an amazing end of their Summer! It’s back-to-school time for many of our clients and we know what a BUSY time of year this can be…so I’ll get right to THE STATS !!! So the majority of homes fell in value last month which should be no surprise if you’ve been reading my…

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July 2022 market stats

Real Estate Stats | August 5, 2022 | written by Corbin Chivers

Hello Everybody , Hope you’re all enjoying this great summer that took forever to get here LOL! So it’s that time of the month again…the time where we GET THE STATS! As I forecasted last month – Things got even worse unfortunately.  July marked one of the steepest declines of price ever recorded in one single month…

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