A Montréal Tenant was just ordered to pay 6 years of withholding tax because his landlord apparently was a NON resident! 😱

Real Talk with Corbin | April 19, 2024 | written by Corbin Chivers

🚨 A Montréal Tenant was just ordered to pay 6 years of withholding tax because his landlord apparently was a NON resident! 😱


The landlord had failed to pay their 25% withholding tax to the CRA so after the CRA couldn’t collect overseas they instead in a totally unprecedented move went directly after the tenant for the tax as well as the compounded interest and penalties. 💸

Tenants you’re going to want to pay close attention to this one! Especially in Vancouver where 1 in 10 condos is owned by a non resident! 🏙️

The tenant was AUDITED and ordered to pay the tax his non-resident landlord had supposedly failed to pay, as required by a law nobody, including me, has ever heard of! 🧐

Let me break this down for a second. The CRA has a law that states that YOU as a TENANT are RESPONSIBLE for knowing the tax status of your landlord and if they owe taxes and you don’t KNOW about it, it could literally cost you 10’s of thousands of dollars! 😲

This is actually one of the most insane rules I’ve heard, and I know most of you watching this right now are probably thinking the exact same thing. 😤

Is my landlord a NON resident and are they honest about their taxes. Probably not questions any of you had prior to hearing about this situation! ❓❓

This tenant actually SUED the Minister of National Revenue in Tax court saying that this was unfair but the judge, while admitting it was harsh, said the “resident payer” or renter was liable! 😡

The lawyer acting for the renter said the government’s rule is unfair treating mere tenants as a “sophisticated business” in the eyes of the tax law and requiring them to know the tax status of their landlords. 🏛️

SO what do you think – do you think this tenant should be forced to pay tax for naughty non-resident landlords OR is this rule totally insane and unfair?

Please let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 👇 !

And as always, if you found value in the video, please give it a like ❤️ a share 🔄 and please follow for more great content! 🙏🙏🙏

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